
Reservists Benefits...

The Employment Policy pageCareers page and the Salaries page cover key elements of eligibility and remuneration. They don't however highlight the benefits that are offered to every member of staff and all new vacancies will be subject to these. Ultimately it is your offer letter of employment, subsequent contract and Employee Handbook that counts and we reserve the right to alter these as we see fit without notice here.

It is the industrial norm to perhaps skew benefits to the Board members, senior executives and sales resources and dilute these progressively (some aggressively) to all other staff to the bare minimum for those on the lower bands.

We take a dim view of this as in an organisation those roles in the lower bands are just as important in many respects as those other organisations wish to highly reward. We offer the same core benefits to ALL staff irrespective of grade. We believe in rewarding all highly for success and only success. The core belief is that we all benefit from the success not just a select few.

Leave Entitlements - are 30 days per annum pro rata paid at your basic hourly rate rising every three years full service by a day to a maximum of 40 days per annum [inclusive of statutory holidays]. Special Leave, Paternity, Maternity and Reservist's Leave are additional and by mutual agreement.

Reservist's, Special Engagements, Civil Contingency Reaction Forces [CCRF], High Readiness Reserve [HRR] status and Camp Leave are also accommodated by mutual agreement on very supportive terms [see SaBRE as to why we do this]. Up to a maximum of 30 days extra paid leave is offered to Reservist's plus a further 100 days unpaid in any one year (for Mobilisation). Hence we can accommodate and actively support your Mobilisation of four to eleven months every three to five years and during which you will not lose any of these Employment Benefits over and above working hours, weekly development and your core salary during mobilisation [which MoD will be paying you then and may top-up your salary to match ours for you as appropriate]. By special agreement this maximum of 30 days extra paid leave may be exceptionally extended further still by up to an additional maximum of 30 days extra paid leave for High Readiness Reserve [HRR] status - this extended extra paid leave will be reviewed annually and subject to your ongoing HRR status.

Sponsored Study - by application. We actively encourage all staff to undertake personal development in germane areas of interest. We set an annual budget aside for this training and subject firstly to personal development plans and appraisals, this allocation additionally covers staff to make open and committed application(s) for further sponsorship for such study in their own time as is reasonable, applicable and affordable.

Relocation Package - discretionary package to help relocate you and if applicable your family to our part of the UK. This will be advised and discussed as part of the selection process. It will be a mix of paid for expenses, lump sum(s) and bridging advances of salary over an extended time-frame (for example five years), the final agreed package will be compliant to the latest HM Revenue & Customs guidelines and reporting requirements. 

OHS - we value health and wellbeing in all our staff and as such we will offer all staff the ability to sign up to and contribute towards a private health plan for themselves and their immediate family. Staff may use the gym on a first-come first-served basis and likewise the pool when it is set for the shallow use position (which should be most non-office hours). Annual free medicals will be undertaken by the on-site medical team along with eye testing as previously covered.

Tools - all science/technical grades (including board members) get a corporate extensive toolkit in roller cabinets, all other grades a data-tablet or suitable high-end needs for their role. Additionally PPE will be provided as are necessary to the role. Everyone in the company receives a set of Maglites, Car Winter Safety Kit, Car Emergency & First Aid KitHolts Tyre Weld [for emergency use only) and all engineers/technicians a Swiss Army Multi-tool knife [incl guidelines against generally carrying such outside of site]. The middle three are swapped for Motorbike Equivalents as appropriate.

Corporate Clothing - all grades will receive a corporate fleece with the Company name and logo embroidered on it. Then as necessary to your role you will receive also that which is applicable - shirts, trousers or skirts, boots, webbing, clean room suits, clogs and masks, overcoats, aprons, fleece(s), high quality RAB cold weather protection and all weathers high quality RAB external clothing. These will be marked with the Company name and logo. ID badges and lanyards will also be issued and changed periodically. For those who really can't wear feathers, we will select alternatives including looking at Mammut.

Advancement - surely not a benefit! Well we believe so we have seen so many companies tie themselves in knots promoting people into roles in recognition for achievement and then finding the employee is far from doing what they are really good at. With that in mind we promote in post and advancement from one salary band to another 'in post' is possible and is a key part of our appraisal and advancement process. As are career progression into new areas, roles and responsibilities within the company.

See our pages for all the details of our Employee Benefits grouped into:

Please contact us for more information on this or refer to our Company Handbook as some of these benefits are subject to terms.


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