Support and ILS...

We are developing a team to offer 24x7 365 days a year assistance. This will not only support operations and the logistics supply chain here in the UK, but also any needs in theatre anywhere in the world.

All staff have CONDO terms in their employment contract and no casual opt-out applies (other than deliberately changing career or role within the company).

The current support arrangements are as defined project by project.

The new approach brings all these arrangements together and secures the help desk in a strong room/Citadel that can operate independently from the rest of the team and can draw as necessary resources from across the whole team. It has the delegated Board approval to also retask resources and send them with MoD approval into deployed operations to support our products and capabilities in the field.

Our standard approach is to usually replace the broken system, sub-system or assembly and then fix, in a more reasonable timeframe, the customer's item and then, dependant on project agreements, return and replace the item or leave as fixed stock for that customer. Clearly we will respect classifications and sensitivities of customer data and we will work with the customer to ensure this isn't compromised through the support or supply chain.

To complement such operational support, we have extensive in-house technical authoring capabilities, specialist printing and binding, fabrication technology spanning etching through to sublimation printing through to vinyl printing to enable all panels, technical manuals and equipment to be securely handled in such a way that small bespoke changes for 'specific end users' can be accommodated by the team - equally rapid rework for in-service issues is straightforward for our team.

We can handle data and recording recovery, also transcription in a highly secure fashion. We can forensically recover data and recordings to enable their use in crash investigations, analysis and for other government use.




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 AREA17: 24x7 365 days a year and staff contracted to go on deployed operations to serve the customers' needs...