
DIRECTORS Salary Bands...

The Company operates the following salary bands and staff can be placed anywhere within these bands dependant on the skills and the role. Progression is within these bands, which are reviewed by the Board annually, up to the maximum. STEM-U is the highest salary permissible in the Company. Benefits and other emoluments are defined with application packs and may be role-specific. Appraisals are held annually in January, leave entitlements are January to December. Expenses are monthly claimed in arrears and are subject to external scrutiny by Customers, the Treasury and auditors - these are made openly available.

The following information is made available for career choices and we reserve the right to make offers above, below or change these bands without notice on this site. STEM roles are up to Band-O, Logistics roles to Band-J and other Clerical/Admin roles are recruited at the grades up to and including Band-G. Please contact us for a full breakdown of our Company roles and current salary bands and our mappings across the broad spectrum of Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics that are at the core thrust of the Company.

We are developing our offering and use of Non-Executive Directors {BOARD-Q} roles in the Company and envisage these will be fixed tenure two or three year contracts that will be voted on for renewal by the board. By way of policy, no NED contract will be entertained, if the resulting appointment [at any percentage] is to be paid more than the BOARD-S band in any year of tenure. It is also policy to have no more than three individual NED appointments at BOARD-Q at any one time. An appointee at BOARD-Q cannot hold a second appointment at BOARD-Q nor any other external interest or interests that would likely to be conflicting or have the potential to be conflicting interests during their tenure. For Transformation, Channel and Engagement NED roles typically these would be six days, eight days or ten days a month for each contracted year. For Policy, Strategy and Advisory NED roles we would expect these to be much lower commitment of two days, four days or five days a month for each contracted year.

Director positions are subject to contract and may or may not be holders of shares in the Company. The salary may be deferred based on Company performance and such will be in line with current HMRC guidelines and good ethical practice.

Role ID                        Function  Salary Min  Salary Mid  Salary Max 
 BOARD-U CHAIRMAN of the BOARD. DIRECTOR  ## £81,719 £91,933£103,425
 BOARD-T Chief Executive Officer. DIRECTOR  ## £81,719 £91,933£103,425
 BOARD-S CFO / Commercial & Finance DIRECTOR  ##   £81,719 £91,933£103,425
 BOARD-R CIO / Chief Technical Officer DIRECTOR  ## £77,922 £87,622 £98,619
 BOARD-Q Non-Exec DIRECTOR               %%## £51,236 £57,641 £64,846
 BOARD-P COO / CDSO / Departmental DIRECTOR  ## £77,922 £87,622 £98,619

Approved Salary Rates 2018 2019 v1.0

** Other Clerical/Admin roles are recruited at the grades up to and including STEM-G.

## All senior executive salaries are linked to turnover without exception. The levels indicated for min, mid and max are the levels attained through anticipated turnover levels set by the board which are documented in the executive's employment contract. These are fixed salary amounts for turnover levels preset in bands renewed every 'even' two years on 1st January.

%%## Non-Executive Directors Salary shown in the table above is based on serving ten days a month for each and every month and a fixed two or three year contract which is our 100% level. The Board votes prior to the end of that contract if it is choosing to renew. For Transformation, Channel and Engagement roles typically the 60%, 80% or 100% level would be expected. For Policy, Strategy and Advisory roles we would expect 20%, 40% or 50% levels. Salary is adjusted pro-rata for the other levels of 20%, 40%, 50%, 60% and 80%. Unless agreed otherwise 20% is serving two days a month, 40% is serving four days a month, 50% is serving five days a month, 60% is serving six days a month, 80% is serving eight days a month. and 100% is serving ten days a month. NOTE: Company Year End is 31st August.

The Company Executive Roles that are abbreviated above are taken to mean as follows: CEO = Chief Executive Officer, CFO = Chief Financial Officer, COO = Chief Operations Officer, CTO = Chief Technical Officer, NED = Non-Executive Director, CIO = Chief Information Officer and CDSO = Chief Defence Security Officer. Our CTO role has the responsibility for the Chief Technology and Chief Science Offices.

It is our policy to review the salary scales each Autumn. The above salary table now reflects and includes those changes. For the fiscal year 2018/19 - the London Weighting allowance is £6,750 p.a. paid as a lump sum in advance for the year ahead in the April payroll each year [or part thereof at the next monthly payroll when it henceforth applies]. Our Company Handbook details the terms and eligibility of this Weighting allowance along with all others. London Weighting applies for all of our staff working in London inside of the A406/A205 circular to the east/west links of The Blackwell Tunnel and Kew Bridge.

We warmly welcome British Armed Service Personnel joining ADM Shine Technologies Ltd for short-term assignments, long-term, career moves and for rehabilitation where possible. Please find the following Ranks not as a comparison to each other across the services but merely an outline view where each would broadly fall in relation to our Role IDs or Grades. For clarity we have only indicated a few ranks and that does not mean we will not be able to assess and integrate any of the other ranks - we can and will where possible. Salary pay advancement is possible in the same role. See further benefits in addition to the Salary at our Employment Benefits page. We actively support and further reward Reservists by way of our HR policy [see SaBRE as to why we do this].

 Role ID British Army  Royal Navy   Royal Air Force
Band-P  Brigadier / Colonel    Commodore / Captain     Air Commodore / Group Captain
Band-O  Lt Colonel  Commander  Wing Commander
Band-L  Major  Lt Commander  Squadron Leader
Band-G  Captain /
Warrant Officer I
  Lieutenant /
Warrant Officer I
  Flight Lieutenant /
Warrant Officer
Band-F  Staff Sergeant  Chief Petty Officer  Flight Sergeant /
Chief Technician
Band-D Corporal Petty Officer  Corporal 
Band-C  Lance Corporal Leading Rate Junior Tech 

If you are a good service leaver within the last five years and have Trades that fit well with our needs, then, based on the level and competency of those, along with which Level, Spine and additional payments your force's salary was we will carefully match or better that to the above Role IDs {or Grades} or to a grade up to three above that.

These salaries form part of the wider salary bands in the company which are covered on these pages:

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