
Armed Forces Covenant...


The Covenant is a promise from the nation ensuring that those who serve or who have served in the Armed Forces, and their families, are treated fairly.

An Enduring Covenant Between
The people of the United Kingdom
Her Majesty's Government
-  and  -
All those who serve or have served in the Armed Forces of the Crown
And their Families

The first duty of Government is the defence of the realm. Our Armed Forces fulfil that responsibility on behalf of the Government, sacrificing some civilian freedoms, facing danger and, sometimes, suffering serious injury or death as a result of their duty. Families also play a vital role in supporting the operational effectiveness of our Armed Forces. In return, the whole nation has a moral obligation to the members of the Naval Service, the Army and the Royal Air Force, together with their families. They deserve our respect and support, and fair treatment.

Those who serve in the Armed Forces, whether Regular or Reserve, those who have served in the past, and their families, should face no disadvantage compared to other citizens in the provision of public and commercial services. Special consideration is appropriate in some cases, especially for those who have given most, such as the injured and the bereaved.

This obligation involves the whole of society: it includes voluntary and charitable bodies, private organisations, and the actions of individuals in supporting the Armed Forces. Recognising those who have performed military duty unites the country and demonstrates the value of their contribution. This has no greater expression than in upholding this Covenant.

Principles of The Armed Forces Corporate Covenant

We, ADM Shine Technologies Ltd will endeavour in our business dealings to uphold the key principles of the Armed Forces Covenant, which are:
  • no member of the Armed Forces Community should face disadvantage in the provision of public and commercial services compared to any other citizen
  • in some circumstances special treatment may be appropriate especially for the injured or bereaved
Demonstrating our Commitment

ADM Shine Technologies Ltd recognises the value serving personnel, reservists, veterans and military families bring to our business. We will seek to uphold the principles of the Armed Forces Covenant by:
  • Promoting that fact that we are an armed forces-friendly organisation
    • We will publicise our Corporate Covenant commitments on our website and we will display the Corporate Covenant logo on our Letterhead and all official publications.
    • We will actively update all our careers, recruitment and related website pages to actively publicise our support to the armed forces.
    • We will promote membership of the Reserved Forces within our graduate and general recruitment activity.
    • We will seek to sponsor, where possible, charities, museums and events that are relevant and appropriate in a respectful and supportive manner.
    • We will seek to sponsor with the relevant family or estates blessing, via the Royal British Legion, Remembrance Day recognition for the fallen veterans and heroes of those in the silent service of the country.
  • Seeking to support the employment of veterans
    • We value and recognise military skills and qualifications as part of our core work and all documentation, and recognise such when interviewing for positions.
    • We will work with the Career Transition Partnership to ensure our employment opportunities are made available to veterans.
    • We will engage with the Recovery Career Service to support as far as is practicable, employment opportunities for wounded, injured or sick veterans.
    • Where practical, we will invite to interview, all veteran applicants who meet the selection criteria in a job specification.
    • We will participate in selected Career Fairs for those leaving the Armed Forces and will work with SaBRE to identify other means of promotion and engagement. 
  • Striving to support the employment of Service spouses and partners
    • We will attempt to find alternative employment within the business in another location if they need to move to accompany their spouse or partner.
    • We will allow the use of Company vehicles, where practical, to assist in any needed moves at no cost to the Service family.
  • Endeavouring to offer a degree of flexibility in granting leave for Service spouses and partners before, during and after a partner's deployment
    • We will sympathetically review requests for holidays before, during and after a partner's overseas deployment, when the Service person has leave to spend with their family.
    • We will consider special paid leave as appropraite for employees who are bereaved or whose spouse/partner is injured.
  • Seeking to support our employees who choose to be members of the Reserve forces, including by accommodating their training and deployment where possible
    • We will accommodate reservists' training commitments wherever possible and we will strive to support these to ensure an effective Service.
    • Through our own HR policy and Employees Handbook, we will provide up to 30 days per annum special paid leave in support of reservists' training commitments.
    • Through our own HR policy and Employee Handbook those reservists that are High Readiness Reserve [HRR] status, will be provided with up to 30 days per annum special paid leave in addition to the up to 30 days above.
    • We will whenever possible accommodate the mobilisation of our reservists if they are required to deploy.
    • We will in accord to our own HR policy and Employee Handbook offer up to 100 days unpaid leave in any one year; hence we can accommodate and actively support the Service persons' Mobilisation of four to eleven months every three to five years and during which they will not lose any of our Employment Benefits over and above working hours, weekly development and their core salary during mobilisation.
    • We will encourage any reservists in our business to participate in Uniform to Work Day.
    • We will seek to support the Armed Forces with Cyber Warfare, Electronic Warfare, C-IEDD and other specialist trades [trained extensively at our expense], and where possible create experts for the country's future needs.
  • Offer support to our local cadet units, either in our local community or in local schools, where possible
    • We will engage with the Reserve Forces and Cadets Association to identify opportunities of support, assistance and facilities where appropriate.
    • We will encourage our employees to be cadet helpers or instructors, where practicable.
  • Aiming to actively participate in Armed Forces Day
    • We will promote Armed Forces Day via our intranet and encourage our employees to participate in Armed Forces Day local events.
    • We will promote our support and participation via our intranet and encourage our employees as part of Armed Forces Day to reach out across the Fire and Rescue Service, The Police Service and the Ambulance Service our support for such local events.
We will publicise these commitments through our literature and on our site, setting out how we seek to honour them and inviting feedback from the Service community and our customers oh how we are doing.

The company is underpinned by a Modus Operandi, Covenant and these nine core policies which are enshrined in our Employee Handbook, Standard Operating Procedures and Quality Management System. They are:



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