
Public Consultations & Government Communications Policy...

In a good democracy it is commonplace for the elected government to consult the wider public and commerce on a range of issues and policies; Her Majesty’s Government embraces such democracy. From time to time germane Green Papers are issued for consultation and it is the policy of the Company to support and contribute to such only with the Board’s approval and always through the Board. Neither is it permitted for a single director nor the Managing Director to act alone in answering these Green Papers or other consultations.

In keeping and in alignment with Government policy, it is the policy of the Company to not comment on matters of defence nor law enforcement of the UK or germane topical news and matters. Freedom of Information requests will be handled in accordance with contractual conditions placed upon us by Crown. The Company will not furnish anyone as a spokesperson to the media for such.

Individual employees that choose to directly input to such outside of the above policy do so as individuals and must not use the Company name in any aspect of their submission.

It also may be permitted, with similar Board approval, for a Board member to engage in other consultations or correspondence with Parliament, The Royal Household, Her Majesty’s Government, Her Cabinet Office, Her Foreign and Home Office, Her Police Service and other departments as well as the Ministry of Defence, as is appropriate and approved. Such 'bodies' may duly authorise other similar permitted engagements with Her Majesty's Government Allies, Overseas Territories or Commonwealth. 

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AREA17: Commercial & Financial Information readilly shared with UK MoD and UK Other Government Departments...