
Interview Selection...

We have covered national security needs and implications on the Careers, and Vacancies pages. When working in an environment where honesty, integrity and loyalty are so important it is not surprising that the selection process is thorough. It must be noted and indeed a warning to those with hostile intent, whilst working at the Company is in our opinion well-rewarded, we take steps and work with the relevant authorities to ensure such hostiles are found and dealt with according to the treachery and other relevant acts.

Our selection approach is based on the fact that once employed if you choose to leave you may never return to work at ADM Shine Technologies Ltd nor any of its interests. We offer really good advancement and support for further education (eg BSc, MA, PhD), special leave, maternity/paternity leave and Reservist/TA leave, so any career breaks or furtherance can be made without impacting on the 'never return' rule. This is not about disloyalty or a dispirited stance on our part it is done for security reasons.

Vacancies and Pending Vacancies are on the following pages:
As soon as a vacancy is OPEN you will have a link to an Application and Recruitment pack....


STAGE 0: We agree a selection criteria per post, job description, advert and agreement on how this is going to be described, we agree a presentation to the candidates about the company, site and role, then we set a series of milestones in a recruitment plan. For value for money we prefer to recruit several posts together to optimise costs;

STAGE 1: Advertising the job(s) on our website and applicable (but carefully selected) media;

STAGE 2: The selection process starts with paper CVs or unsolicited requests. These are handled in the first instance and added to the pool of respondents to an advertised job post [we operate a 100% advertised policy - albeit some may need to be described in the broadest terms publicly];

STAGE 3: If you are someone we believe has skills for the role you are interested in, (or we feel you have potential in other roles), we will put your papers forward for a first pass check to be made on identity, education and employment [we will not contact current employer];

STAGE 4: Then we invite those for a short briefing, security paperwork, swearing of an oath, signing a non-disclosure agreement and an informal chat with at least one of the Directors and some of our staff over a buffet lunch;

STAGE 5: The next stage is to come for a formal interview, and have a small tour of some of the facilities and see some of the capabilities we produce;

STAGE 6: Some will also enjoy that day Psychometric Tests in the form of short exam papers, and a practical Science &/or Engineering assessment. Some may have just an informal chat with similar employees to the grade of the post;

STAGE 7: Those candidates that are successful from this stage will be invited to meet at least two of the directors and the lead manager, engineer or scientist from the post's work area. Security may need to have a chat to resolve any issue with the application and their papers;

STAGE 8: If necessary further informal discussion(s) may be pursued with the relevant Director/lead in a bid to finally determine a/the successful candidate(s) and furnish them with a conditional offer letter; and

STAGE 9: All goes well you start and enjoy the probationary period. Our hope is that will be the start of an amazing time working on some truly exciting, fast-paced engineering and science.

Please don't be put off or scared by the above... not many people ike interviews and are nervous, we understand and we will do our utmost to make sure you understand and are reassured that we understand this - don't feel it will be the boisterous, confident, perhaps loud individuals that will always get the job and perhaps you're not any or some of that. You stand 100% every chance to shine as they do, and we will give you 100% every chance to in what you are comfortable with - just be yourself....

The pictures below are a tiny snap-shot of the skills, capabilities and needs of ADM Shine Technologies Ltd; the centre picture is a US Air Force Photo/Senior Airman Christopher Hubenthal and shows the volatile effects of a particular type of ordnance.

AREA17 Careers

How to Apply...




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AREA17: We want the best and we want to be safe, you will want to be safe and you want to work here it will be worth the wait...