
Commercial & Finance...

Our Modus Operandi and Policies are here and we will soon provide our Terms and Conditions of Business here.

Upon a validated request we will provide full Certificates and Policies for:
  • Cyber Essentials Certificate.
  • Environmental Policy Document.
  • Health and Safety Policy.
  • Certificate for VAT.
  • Certificate for Inauguration.
  • Company Memoranda.
  • Company Articles.
  • Certificate of Employer & Public Liability Insurance.
All visitors are invited by us and will receive a visitor's briefing booklet about the site and health and safety on the site, plus all relevant reporting details. We do not accept unsolicited supplier visitors; any other unsolicited visitor will be 100% verified prior to entry before relevant internal staff are approached to see if such visitation is possible.  

We operate a strategic supplier approval process and this is reassessed every two years. We will provide the policies in force and the application process, we will not furnish for security reasons the supplier list. We hold every two years supplier briefings at AREA17 with a maximum of three key staff attending from each company. Details on working with us are to follow.

We are keen to also promote the UK Government Cyber Essentials Information Assurance Scheme to ensure businesses - especially small and medium enterprises - have the right protections and controls in place. All strategic suppliers will be expected to have either a valid Cyber Essentials certificate or assurance via ISO 27001. To that end we encourage all our key and strategic suppliers to ensure the Cyber Security of such Confidential Information is maintained to a level that would attain the UK Government Cyber Essentials Certificate [see IASME or Scheme Overview] as is required for the relevant business size or higher as we stipulate in NDAs, purchase orders and other T&Cs.

We are exploring the best way to furnish the annual Directors' statement that is embodied in the Company's accounts and once we have found an appropriate way of delivery, without the need for redaction, we will post them here.

ADM Shine Training Ltd will soon be completely set-up and will focus on the academic training, apprenticeships and appropriate product training on all of our R&D. At the heart of ADM Shine Training Ltd will be the fieldcraft, dismounted operations and adventure training, along with field trialling activities - more on this to follow soon....

All HMG milestones delivered on CD/DVD contain a commercial pack about ADM Shine Technologies Ltd; if however you are an appropriate government department or military arm we have yet to deal with and would like a copy of this pack please contact us or fill in the form below and we will oblige if we can.

Images on this site are either Copyright of the owner, of ADM Shine Technologies Ltd, may be Purchased from iStockphoto, one of the key suppliers/partners of ADM Shine Technologies Ltd or are used under licence/Creative Commons licence - all are used and shown in good faith. They are indicative of our Labs & Ranges, indicative of our future Labs & Ranges and/or they depict people that are indicative of ADM Shine Technologies Ltd own staff. It is our policy not to publish actual pictures of staff, sensitive Labs & Ranges nor our defence products for security reasons. Products where shown will either be ours or that of our suppliers/ partners or that of the High Tech Company as indicated. Please contact us if you spot any problems or errors and we will expedite a correction swiftly.

Similarly we are about to restart our quarterly R&D update emails and if you would like to receive these please contact us or fill in the form below and we will add your details to that short mailshot. NOTE: Only gov.uk and mod.uk email addresses will be automatically added to this list - all other email addresses will not be automatically added and will be passed to Security and our Commercial & Finance Director for consideration to be added on a case-by-case basis.

If you would like a copy of any of the other commercial and finance information mentioned above and that you are a supplier, UK government department or UK MoD then please fill in the form below:

Your contact information:
Full name:
 * required
Email address:
 * required
 * required
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 * required
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WARNING: Keep this Unclassified and ensure it does not violate ITAR, UK Export Controls or UK MoD programme controls. Each request will be carefully scrutinised and every misuse will be reported.

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AREA17: Commercial & Financial Information readilly shared with UK MoD and UK Other Government Departments...