
Tommy Flowers Award...

An absolute genius of an Engineer, with determination he was instrumental in the design and construction of the very first electronic computer that was able to be programmed to perform a number of tasks.

He was a GPO engineer in the research centre that was located at Dollis Hill and ultimately became head of its Telecommunications Switching Division. His wartime work at Bletchley Park makes him a British Engineer of acknowledgement and many of our freedoms and the security we enjoy today can be directly attributed back to his pioneering work.

It was his determination and at great personal expense both in his silent service and anonymity that this award will so be founded.

It will be awarded every two years and eligibility will initially be limited to our own company. The award will be made at a formal event and take the form of a personal etched quartz glass crystal and Triode Thyratron Valve, and we will see if we can acquire some of the Uniselectors of the type used. In addition a cash award of £25,000 will go with the award.

The criteria for the 2017 award will be either as an individual or a team:

To have achieved through personal or team effort a significant and lasting change through technological and scientific innovation that alters the security and safety of the United Kingdom thereafter the delivery of such work.

Our Bursaries, Scholarships & Awards are a key part of our work to further science and engineering in the United Kingdom for all sectors not just our area of Defence and Law Enforcement.

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