
Contact Us...

Use this form for general queries:

How did you hear about our website?
What area did you find most useful?
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What information or help do you need in your project?
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What type of Organsation are you [including End User]?
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Comments & Contact information:
Full Name:
 * required
Email address:
 * required
 * required
 * required
To submit only this general contact form contents, click submit button below. The form will validate your email address and if valid submit the form. A success message will be displayed or it will return to the form and highlight the error(s) for you to correct and re-submit:

Alternatively use this form for specific queries:

Contact information:
First name:
 * required
Last name:
 * required
Email address:
 * required


 * required
 * required
Mailing address:
Request information on:



Keep this Unclassified and ensure it does not violate ITAR, UK Export Controls or UK MoD programme controls. Each request will be carefully scrutinised and every misuse will be reported.
Preferred contact:
To submit only this specific contact form contents, click submit button below. The form will validate your email address and if valid submit the form. A success message will be displayed or it will return to the form and highlight the error(s) for you to correct and re-submit:

Main Tel. 02476 102901                                                                                Company no.05560873
Labs.        07401 814485                                                                 Registered in England and Wales

ADM Shine Technologies Ltd,                                                             ADM Shine Technologies Ltd,
Registered Office
                                                                                    AREA17 Labs Have Moved

We are in the process of securing our addresses and PO Box details will soon be available for your use.
For all Subject Access Requests and GDPR queries they must be submitted to this point so that we can
process them for you: do not abuse or misuse this. Please Contact Us
for all other queries using the forms above so that we can correctly process your query.

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AREA17: Open for Business and Open for all communication that is made without mallice and with honesty & integrity...